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Where is Goosehead headquartered?

Goosehead is headquartered in Westlake, Texas. The mailing address is:

1500 Solana Blvd.
Building 4, Suite 4500
Westlake, Texas 76262

What year was Goosehead founded?
Goosehead was founded in 2003.
When did Goosehead become a public company?
Goosehead became a public company in April 2018.
What exchange does Goosehead trade on and what is its ticker symbol and CUSIP number?
Goosehead Class A shares trade on the Nasdaq Global Select Market (NASDAQ) under the ticker symbol GSHD. Goosehead’s CUSIP number is 38267D 208.
Are Class B shares traded on an exchange or available to be purchased?
No – Class B shares are owned by certain members of management and cannot be purchased or sold by individuals.
What is the voting power of the different classes of Goosehead stock?
All shareholders are entitled to one vote per share.
When is Goosehead’s fiscal year end?
The company’s fiscal year ends on December 31.
How do I invest in Goosehead Class A common stock?
Goosehead Class A stock can be bought or sold through a stockbroker, bank or other financial institution that offers brokerage services.
Does Goosehead offer a direct stock purchase plan?
Goosehead does not currently offer a direct stock purchase plan. Class A shares are available for purchase directly through any financial institution that offers brokerage services.
Who is Goosehead’s registrar and transfer agent?
Transfer Agent and Registrar: Computershare
Address: P.O. Box 505000, Louisville, KY 40233-5000
Phone: 1-800-962-4284 (US, Canada, Puerto Rico); 1-781-575-4247 (international)
E-mail: web.queries@computershare.com
How do I transfer stock, change the address on my shareholder account, or replace a lost stock certificate?
To make changes to a stock certificate please contact our transfer agent, Computershare.
Who is Goosehead’s auditor?
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
2200 Ross Avenue
Suite 1600
Dallas, TX 75201
Does Goosehead pay a dividend on its Class A common stock?
Goosehead does not currently pay a dividend on its Class A common stock.
How do I get added to the distribution list for Goosehead press releases and e-mail alerts?
Investors may sign-up on Goosehead’s website to receive a variety of materials by e-mail, including press releases, SEC filings, dividend announcements and notice of quarterly earnings calls here.
How do I contact Investor Relations?
IR phone number: 214-838-5145
IR e-mail address: IR@goosehead.com
How do I obtain a copy of the annual report, proxy and other financial reports?
In an effort to protect the environment and reduce paper consumption, Goosehead provides electronic copies of all SEC filings on its website here. To obtain a hard copy of any public filing, please contact submit a request by e-mail or phone 469-480-3669.